Our presenter provides a warm visit by our first President and Revolutionary War hero! Smartly dressed in colonial military uniform, presentation is given in the first person as students learn of the
tremendous challenges and setbacks faced by our young country. General George Washington speaks of an assortment of childhood memories and early career experiences that helped mold the father of our country. Interestingly, early in his military career, Washington's primary goal was to become a regular British army officer! Firsthand accounts of the historical events that shaped our country's heritage are given as well as as stories, recollections and very personal details that only the "Father of Our Country" can tell in his interesting and entertaining way. Children are encouraged to use our libraries to learn about other successful Americans.
Call toll-free to schedule: 248-682-6115. Young minds can be greatly influenced by the positive role models of those who have gone before! What a great opportunity to meet this cultural icon and hear about his personal experiences!!
Professionals in the field of assembly programs!
TOLL FREE: 248-682-6115